What would your life look like with a better job?

Looking for a better job? Good because we’re going to get you one. I started Let's Land It after 10 years in the business, and we've got one aim: to get you the job you want.

How do we do that? By making absolutely sure you aren’t selling yourself short (you are) and by getting every possible drop out of your network (you aren’t).

How do we know that? Because you’re not applying for jobs you don’t believe you’re a least a little qualified for, which means you are qualified, which means you should be getting interviews.

How do we know it works? Because we’ve got a boatload of 5 star reviews, and we’ve been doing this a long time.

What if this is your first job? Then we’ll be applying for entry level jobs, and getting you the best one we possibly can, at the best pay we possible can.

Perfect Your Pitch Along Every Step of the Process

A Lightning Quick Overview of our Process

Getting Interviews

Reinvent Your Resume

We take your resume and cover letters to the next level, supercharging them to crush the bots, dazzle the recruiters, and get you into the interview.

Supercharge Your Network

The best way to crush the bots is to skip them entirely. You do that with your Network and using it intelligently. Don’t have a Network? We will prove you wrong by building you one so fast your head will spin.

Getting Offers

Sell Your Story

We’ve got the interview, now what? We focus on your story, and what about it makes it yours. This phase is all about organizing your experience into buckets of stories you can break out when you need them, and you will need them.

Rehearse your Responses

We'll teach you how to ace any interview question thrown your way. You'll get so good at interviews, you could do them in your sleep. And with the number of interviews we'll line up for you, you might just have to!

Getting PAID

Nail the Negotiations

You won’t just say 'yes' to their first offer. We’re going to make sure you get everything you can before signing. Do you want a better job and to make the most money you can after accepting it? Then give us a call. With our guarantees, you’ve got nothing to lose.

Let’s kickstart your next career moves!

We’ll be with you every step of the way.